Lesson 1. When were you born?

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Lesson 1. When were you born?

Часть 6. Какое твоё любимое время года?

Урок 1
Когда ты родился?
с. 18 - 20

Упражнение 1, с. 18

1. Vocabulary. There are four seasons in the year.

1) What seasons are there in the pictures? Какие времена года изображены на картинках?

Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.

2) What are the seasons of the year like?

3) Listen to check.

Упражнение 2, с. 18 - 19

2. Vocabulary. There is a special board in Ann’s classroom. В классе Энн есть специальная доска.

1) What is special about it? Что в ней особенного?

Это специальная доска, на которой вывешиваются поздравления с днями рождения.

2) When were the children from Ann’s class born? Когда родились дети из класса Энн?

Rose was born in February. Oh, Rose and Matt were born in February.
Polly was born in March.
Donna was born in April.
Hope was born in June.
Bob was born in August. Oh, Bob and Ann were born in August.
Floe was born in September. Oh, Floe and Robert were born in September.
Willy was born in October. Oh, Willy, Mike and Betty were born in October.
Roland was born in November. Oh, Roland and Nell were born in November.
Tom was born in December.

Упражнение 3, с. 19

3. What is special about the seasons in Australia? (AB ex. 1)

Упражнение 4, с. 20

4. Dan and Ann are talking about when they were born.

1) When were the children born? Find the conversation. Listen and check.

— Dan, when were you born?
— I was born in winter, in December.
— Do you like winter?
— Yes, I do. I like winter very much. I like skiing. And when were you born?
— I was born in summer, in August. Summer is great!

— Дэн, когда ты родился?
— Я родился зимой, в декабре.
— Тебе нравится зима?
— Да. Мне очень нравится зима. Мне нравится кататься на лыжах. А когда ты родился?
— Я родился летом, в августе. Лето — это здорово!

2) Do the children like the seasons when they were born?

Yes, they do. They like the seasons when they were born.

Упражнение 5, с. 20

5. When were your friends born? Find out who was born the same month and season as you. Make up the birthday calendar for your class. Узнайте, кто родился с вами в один месяц, в одно время года. Составьте календарь дней рождения для своего класса.


I was born in winter in February. Sasha and Sveta were born in February, too. Natasha, Sasha, Sveta, Masha were born in winter.

Упражнение 6, с. 20

6. Active book ex. 2, Reader ex. 1

ГДЗ  по английскому языку. 3 класс. Учебник. 2 часть. Кузовлёв В.П., Перегудова Э.Ш., Пастухова С.А., Стрельникова О.В.

Английский язык. 3 класс

Lesson 1. When were you born?
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